CEO - Phillip Ong

Thank you for keeping us On Course

When Propmech was established in 1991 to handle Caterpillar's marine business, Caterpillar engines had negligible market share in the Philippine marine market. We saw this as an opportunity to expand our capability to serve the marine industry with a quality product and service system. We had much to learn not only from our principal but from those whose vessels were to install this product.

Today, after having weathered many challenges both within the industry and also in the macro-economic environment, Propmech proudly stands as a proven provider of fully integrated propulsion system. And this was only made possible with the support of our customers and partners who shared a similar vision.

So on the occasion of our 20th Anniversary, we gather as partners and friends to celebrate successes in our industry. We have worked together to provide fish, to move people, to enhance rescue and to build a nation.

Your support and trust in our capabilities has kept us advancing and always seeking ways to better serve you. Your faith in us and your continued patronage keeps us focused. Thank you for keeping us "On Course".


--  Mr. Philip Ong, CEO